Thursday, February 11, 2010

What is the difference between latex and acrylic paint, can i paint cement with acrylic?

i want to paint a cement statue (a pig). i bought acrylic paint, but was later told i should use latex paint. Does this mean i can't paint the cement with acrylic paint?What is the difference between latex and acrylic paint, can i paint cement with acrylic?
First, the difference between latex and acrylic paint. The terms describe two different properties of the paint. Acrylic is a chemical in the paint that gives it a fairly hard, durable finish. Most acrylic paints are water based.

Latex means that the paint contains the base component of rubber, generally a synthetic type of latex. Latex paints are usually water based.

It is quite common to have both in the same paint, so your acrylic paint is likely an acrylic latex. As long as it is exterior paint, that part should be fine.

Masonry products, such as your concrete pig, are very alkaline. In order to have paint stay on for a long time, you really need a masonry primer to balance the ph a bit and seal the surface. Also, piggy should have a good bath first. If there is efflorescence on the surface (looks like blobs of salt), a light etching with muratic acid is in order. If there is no efflorescence, clean with a heavy detergent, dry completely, prime then paint.

You may have to go to a paint store to find the masonry primer, but it is worth the effort as it will make the paint stay on in good condition for much longer than you will get with just a paint. Regular primers do not have the proper chemicals to balance the ph.What is the difference between latex and acrylic paint, can i paint cement with acrylic?
You will want to use an oil-based paint if it is going to be outside. If it will be inside, then you can use either latex or acrylic. Acrylic will last longer, though. So, I think you are on the right track.
You can paint almost anything with acrylic but I would say it is a good idea to mix five parts water to one part PVA and give the cement a couple of coats with that before using any kind of paint on it.

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