Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How do you repair deep gouges in an acrylic bathtub?

UK solutions desired. Thanks!

We bought a new bathroom suite and it's gorgeous. But the shower knob was not put on tightly, and when we turned it on the first time it bounced into the bathtub below. It's a very heavy knob and when it fell it bounced twice - creating two massive cuts deep in the acrylic.

Does anyone know what might repair these?

Thanks in advance!How do you repair deep gouges in an acrylic bathtub?
A small amount of epoxy resin can be mixed up and colour matched to your tub. Mask around the damaged area and apply resin. Let it set hard. Sand back lightly with wet and dry paper (320 then 600 grit) then polish it with automotive cut and polish and finally a straight car polish. If you colour matched it perfectly, it will be an invisible repair.How do you repair deep gouges in an acrylic bathtub?
make whoever installed the works that did the damage replace it. those gouges and breaks cannot really be repaired and look right, ever.
Toothpaste (mint)
i make acrylic bathtubs (Kohler) they do have a kit at hardware stores color match is very important white,tan,almond you need to know which 1 exactly then go shoping it is a very detailed task so read and reread the instructions
alot of home improvemet store sell a repair kit, just pay close attention to instructions, it is very difficult to to but you have to do it step by step

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